Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hello and bonjour

For all of you who don't know it yet, you're going to discover my pretensions to poetry. I enjoy writing, always have and hopefully always will. I also love having other people read the stuff i write and comment on it - good or bad, happy or sad. ( yes, I know I sound very cliché.) Unfortunately for the world at large, people have said that my poetry is readable so on account of them, this is up ( blame them if you wish to lynch me at the end of all this). That's basically all that this blog is for. So for all those who come upon this blog, by accident or my design, read on and definitely do comment. Happy reading....

P.S. Your opinion is especially valued if its more than the average statements of it being nice or weird or random or out-there. I find it quite wonderful when people see what i write in a different light and THEN TELL ME ABOUT IT!!!

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